Spring Refresh
As I sit here on a cold and snowy morning in March, not sure what the next weeks will bring as health scares fill the world, I have decided to plan my spring refresh. I love spring and I love how it makes me want to have everything around me fresh and clean. As we get more sunlight, I always want to move more and spend more time outside. I stop craving comfort foods and start craving fresh, seasonal food. I also begin to plan my summer adventures.

For my spring refresh, I am going to work on turning my master bedroom into more of a sanctuary. Over the years I have allowed things to come into my bedroom that don’t make it as relaxing as I would like it to be. I also have things I have held on to because I like them, but I don’t actually use them. This is the time to purge. I want my bedroom to be clutter free and calm. It’s also time for a new bed and a few other new pieces of furniture and accessories. Much of the furniture in our bedroom was purchased over twenty years ago and it is time to pass it on to someone else to love.
When it comes to cleaning I always have to purge my closet at the end of each season. I buy too many clothes! I do wear my clothes, but at the end of the season I like to get rid of things that are showing wear or things that no longer suit my style. My closet is the area of my house that I am always struggling to keep clean. I may actually hire someone this spring to help me purge a little extra and give my some organizational ideas.

Since I am home for the weekend I am using it to explore cookbooks, magazines and Pinterest for some healthy new recipes and do some meal planning. I love to cook when I have time to try new recipes and explore in the kitchen. This feels like a perfect time to enjoy time in the kitchen. I have been learning many new Indian dishes this year and love all of the spices that give such warmth to dishes. I’m also loving the world of tarts. I have been exploring recipes that are simple and yet so beautiful.

In the spring I love to move more. Yoga is always something I love and I try to make it to three classes a week. As the days get longer I also like to go for lots of walks and hikes. There is nothing like being out doors to boost ones mood. I try to walk as many days as possible and am so excited to not have to worry about it getting dark so early.

The final way I am refreshing for spring this weekend is to plan my adventures. One of our favorite things to do in the summer is to go to outdoor concerts. I already have some bigger ones planned, but I also love the smaller concerts at our local wineries. There is nothing quite as relaxing as spending an evening on the lawn, with a picnic, sipping wine, in a beautiful setting. We listen to so many types of music and love discovering musicians we have never heard before.
I am also planning vacations. We have Cabo planned for next month (let’s hope things have calmed down by then). I am now planning for New Orleans, Vegas (again!), Nashville, and France. I love planning trips and virtually exploring new cities as I decide where we will stay and what we will do. A cold day is a perfect time to plan for warm vacations.
I hope you are making the best of this strange time and looking forward to the amazing spring and summer we will have as this all settles down.